Our prices are calculated according to this Price List. It’s a combination of flat-rate payments and rate per hour. We offer varios price models to our clients that are depending on the demands and the range of the provided services. Setting up a flat-rate upon agreement is the most common way.
Basic Prices:
For each one accounting record into journal 25,- CZK
For processing VAT tax return 100,- CZK
For processing VAT overall report 100,- CZK
For the processing of the final account and a legal entity income tax return
1/12 of the sum of all payments for the previous financial year
For the processing of the: income tax return of road tax, real estate tax, tax from the conveyance of real estate, accounts of natural person income tax from wage earning and function benefits and accounts taxes, which are collected by tax deduction according to a special tax rate of natural person income tax
1000,- CZK per tax period
Do not hesitate to contact Česká účetní kancelář for a purpose of consultation or appointment.Naše ceny jsou kalkulovány na základě ceníku služeb, který je kombinací paušálních plateb a hodinových sazeb. Našim klientům nabízíme různé cenové modely, závislé na požadavcích a rozsahu poskytovaných služeb. Velmi obvyklá je také celková paušalizace ceny na základě vzájemné dohody.